Live Webinar: Wednesday 10/27
Update on Reference Based Pricing
Wednesday 10/27
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Update on Reference Based Pricing
Wednesday, October 27
During this webinar John Marshall will help attendees become more familiar with Reference Based Pricing and how it affects overall actuarial pricing.
Keep a close watch on this webinar as the final topics will likely not be verified until a few weeks prior to the webinar date, considering a new administration in D.C. will likely result in issues to talk about of which we are not yet aware.
Speakers: John Marshall
John is a Principal with Claros Analytics. In addition to having 30 years of experience as a pension and health care actuary, John is Claros’ lead consultant on pharmacy benefits and GASB valuations for post-employment benefits other than pension. As Actuarial Director for Benefit Advisors Network, John coordinates actuarial activity between BAN members and Claros specialties. John is a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries, a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries and an Enrolled Actuary under ERISA.
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